Diary of a Student-Teacher #Week4Day19
We are still on mid-term break and I am absolutely thankful it came at a time I needed a break to recover from ill-health.
Today was absolutely joyful. One amazing fact about me is that no matter how unwell I could be, I can never stop teaching. If it seems that physical classes won't be convenient, I would switch to online delivery. But I just never stop teaching. That is how much I am in love with what I do.
I went to teach my student today and while I waited in the study for him, he strolled out in a somewhat funny manner; Like a hunter back from his hunting expedition but with no catch for family.
He usually does this all the time but today was quite obvious. I was right something was wrong, he had missed doing his homework. He also knew that his excuse wasn't going to hold water either.
Apparently, I have taught him for 2 months already and I have never used a cane — I simply believe a cane is not an instructional material. But today I began to have a second thought about that philosophy.
Moreover, Anytime I assign homework to him, he would attend the next class with one excuse or the other of why he could not do it. Today, I decided I would use a cane. I asked him to go get one for me, he got a straw. Hahaha. I stepped out myself to get something better. He burst into tears even before I started using it. I knew the trick and promised him I wasn't going to disembark. He gave a louder cry. I ignored and made sure I accomplished my Mission. I then gave him some time to cry it all out. After a few minutes, he was back to himself and we continue.
After the class, I met with an amazing friend I haven’t seen for about 2 years now. His name is Victor Akpan. He is a brand strategist and coach and I mentioned him in one of my previous articles. We talked, danced, and laughed. He shared something that lifted my spirit.
While discussing the place of God in our lives as our father, he gave an illustration of Abraham in the Bible. The book of Hebrews didn’t mention that he lied about Sarah being his wife, that he layed with his maid, but Hebrew said he was a righteous man because of his faith. So, it doesn’t matter who we are, what counts is our ability to recognize God as our father and go to him always.
Today has been super exciting because I know that Christ loves me and getting the opportunity to do what I love every day is a blessing I do not take for granted. I came home so fulfilled and I hope to resume school on Monday and ready to teach my students.