Diary of a Student-Teacher #Week3Day13

Blessing Akpan
2 min readMar 3, 2021


Wednesday is usually my favorite day of the week. The reason is that I get to go home immediately after school. Other days are usually hijacked by tutoring here and there. If you notice, On Wednesdays, I get to share the day’s experience earlier than the rest of the days, this is because I come home early.

I thought we concluded the test with the pupils yesterday but the teacher told me today that we weren’t. Besides, a new kid just joined us. I didn’t assist in conducting the test because I was pretty weak but I made sure I handled other things such as arranging the kids to take their lunch and also clean the class afterward.

After the test, I taught the kids for about 35 minutes. The kids learned about the Uses of Handkerchief under the subject, Health Habit. Immediately I started the class, I started getting reports and permissions to pee. At a point, I got really tired and distracted and I paused, asked all of them to go pee; the girls first and then the boys. When we came back, I stated clearly to them that no one should come to report anybody to me. Pheew! That was when I was able to have a peaceful class.

One really needs the patience to teach kids as young as 3 years old and the best method is using demonstrations and instructional materials. At least, if there is any other thing they would forget, not the gestures and how you demonstrated each point.

I actually thought my supervisor will visit today but since he/she didn’t, we go again tomorrow and the next.

It’s midweek, hope you are taking each task one at a time?

See you tomorrow!



Blessing Akpan

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