Diary of a Student-Teacher #Week2Day10
I woke up with unusual weakness and a prolonged pain at the left side of my brain; not like a migraine though. I tried pulling myself up but it wasn’t possible. This was at about 7:02am. I decided to lay back for some time. After about 15 minutes, I repeated the action, but still got the same result. It was then it dawn on me I won’t be able to get up for a while. The body weakness was just unusual. I decided to put a call across to my group leader to let her know I would be absent.
I felt so pained I didn’t go to school especially when I gave no prior notice to my class teacher. I also had a couple of things I needed to do today; like going for my private tutoring, working on Bees learning Hub, preparing documents to kick start a fundraiser for the child I am taking care of. I even needed to prepare my note of lesson for the week. I felt so bad this body weakness just resurfaced from nowhere.
Be that as it may, I gave myself in to rest. After talking to my partner, I slept for about three hours — the longest I have slept in a while.
I woke up feeling better ad ready for my home tutorig.
During class, my student kept stealing glances at me, it happened like 5 times when I decided to ask him why the glances. He responded, “Teacher, you forgot your glasses” and then I remembered I forgot to put on my glasses while rushing out. He said I looked different without my glasses and then we busted out laughing.
Although I didn’t go for my teaching-practice today, I spent the day thinking about solving educational challenges with Bees Learning Hub and The Innovative Child Network. I had a strategic call with one of my friends, Victor, who is a Coach and Brand strategist. The 20 minutes conversation with him sent me back to my drawing board. I am so grateful for the call.
These days, I seem to be so scared of making decisions. I get too many ideas in my head and before I know it, I am already freaked out. Haha! I don’t know if it has to do with growth, but I am certain it has nothing to do with the fear of failure because I am always ready to try and fail rather than not try at all.
In any case, I am ready to take the process. Before I round up, I want to share the few lessons for this week;
· It is okay to say NO. You really don’t have to always say yes.
· Always define relationships or friendships. it helps you not get at loggerheads with poeple unnecessarily.
· Always request for receipts for everything you purchase.
· That you have no knowledge about something, does not make it incorrect. Before you hurry to counter it, please try to make enough research. You may learn one or two things during the process.
So guys, It has really been a stressful week. Thank God it’s Friday, I am looking forward to getting as much rest as I can so that I will be fully prepared for the new week.
How about you?
I hope you have a lovely weekend!